What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

On multiple crime-based TV shows, the term “narcissist” is often used to refer to criminals who display psychopathic/sociopathic tendencies. In everyday life, “narcissist” is defined as being vain or thinking too highly of oneself. However, narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is an actual psychological diagnosis that occurs more often than people think.      Displaying confidence in oneself is not what characterizes NPD. Instead, just like other personality disorders, NPD has […]

Savant Syndrome: Natural Born Geniuses?

Temple Grandin, an author and public speaker/advocate for autism, claims that animals typically behave like people with autism. While Grandin’s work with autism can be a blog in itself, a LiveScience article by Marc Bekoff disproves her claims using a study titled, “Are Animals Autistic Savants?” Long story short, the answer is no, but what I wanted to focus on is what Bekoff means by “savants” and more specifically, savant […]

2 Downtown Houston Shoots! (ft. @bryanphotography and @francismajorpain)

In the past 3 weeks, I’ve been insanely busy with private shoots, public events, starting classes at Rice again, and just basic curveballs that life throws at people. However, here are two shoots that I had a great time at with Bryan and Francis! Their links are at the bottom of this blog.  The shoot with Bryan was much more last minute (but just as fun 🤪) and was located […]

Inside the Brains of Psychopaths

Continuing on from my last mental health blog post “Sociopaths are not Psychopaths,” this blog post will focus in on one specific difference between the two groups of -paths. One major physical difference is discovered in the human brain in relation to how much brain activity a person exhibits. Many psychopaths display a distinctive pattern of brain activity after receiving PET scans. The scans below display reduced activity in an […]