3 Theme Studio Photoshoot (ft. @christopherleslie)

Anyone who has met me and had at least one conversation with me knows my heavy interest in astrology/zodiac signs. People are always astounded that my interest only started in May 2019, yet I base so much of my thinking on the astrological system. Then, they proceed with the typical questions, “wait so do you hate certain people just because they’re a certain sign?” or “yeah but isn’t this just […]

Personal Studio Photoshoot (ft. @alvintran.photography)

If you asked my mom right now to show you her favorite picture or video of little me, she would definitely pull up a blurry video of my “model walk.” This model walk entailed the 6 year old version of me intensely strutting while holding onto my Disney princess purse. Since I’m an Aries rising (if you’re not into astrology, just ignore this), I was a fiery little kid. I […]